
Inclusion and Trauma

How do you balance inclusion and trauma​? When you believe there is that of god in all of us. How do you create a community that welcomes the spiritual growth of the cop, and the un-housed, the rapists and survivors, the murderers and the bereft, the capitalist and the oppressed, the blind consumer and the environmentalist, the non-thiest and theist, Muslim and Christian? How? A space where each can travel their own spiritual personal path? That is our challenge as Quakers and that if anything is our faith. And now you can see, this is bigger than faith in some otherworldly being of perpetual benevolence. This is faith that we can, as fallible humans figure it out. So I welcome you all to a difficult place, that wont be comfortable for anyone. But there is love here, there is caring. Being Quaker is hard work, and you’ll need a therapist, counselor, time to reflect, and a clear set of boundaries, that you recognize are yours and don’t force on the whole.

One reply on “Inclusion and Trauma”

Loved reading inclusion and trauma . Yes our meeting and our country and our world a lot of work to do if we want to do inclusion and drama

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